Lawrence Council No.147
Lawrence Council was the host of the last District team visit of the season and was held at the Masonic Hall Chorley where Lawrence Council hold their meetings. The team was asked to report early so a quick practice could take place to hone up on our processional skills. So, after a quick cuppa we assembled in the top lodge room where the District Director of Ceremonies Worshipful Brother Raymond Pye Grand Steward and the Assistant Director of Ceremonies Right Worshipful Brother John Forster Past Grand Junior Deacon put us through our paces.
Dep.D.G.P., Bro. Michael K. Mathews W.M. & D.G.P
The council was called to order at 6.30 pm by the council Director of Ceremonies Worshipful Brother John Bicknell Past Grand Steward and the Worshipful Master Brother Andrew Cogle opened the council. The Worshipful Master quickly dispatched the domestic business of the council and on a report The District Grand Prefect Right Worshipful Brother Graham Paul Snape along with his Deputy Worshipful Brother William Richmond Past Grand Junior Deacon and his District Team entered the council in processional order. As is usual on these occasions after the salutation The District Grand Prefect introduced his Team. On another report the District Grand Director of Ceremonies announced that The Most Worshipful Grand Master Thomas Firth Jackson was without and seeking admission the Worshipful Master replied that the council would be honoured to receive him. The Grand Master entered the council to warm welcoming applause, he was greeted by the Worshipful Master and escorted to his seat and salutations were given.
Grand Master, Br. Adrew G. Cogle I.P.M. & D.G.P.
The protocol completed the Worshipful Master invited the District Senior Warden Worshipful Brother Keith Alan Beardmore and the District Junior Warden Worshipful Brother Howard Nicholas Emmett to occupy the chairs of the council Wardens for the purpose of the Installation Ceremony. Brother Michael K. Mathews Master Senior Warden and Master Elect was presented to the Worshipful Master and Installed into the chair of Lawrence Council in an exemplary manner. The Brethren of the council acknowledge and greeted their new Worshipful Master and resumed their seats. The New Worshipful Master then Appointed and Invested his officers for the ensuing year. The District Grand Prefect congratulated the Worshipful Master on attaining the chair of the council and complimented the Immediate Past Master on the quality of his work.
2017/18 District Team (Last Team Visit)
The Grand Master retired from the council. The Worshipful Master completed the rest of the items and after the first rising The District Grand Prefect gave greetings on behalf of the Grand and District Grand Officers present. The District Grand Director of Ceremonies formed a procession and The District Grand Prefect along with his Deputy and District Team, for the last time this season, retired. The Worshipful Master closed the council.
Dep.D.G.P., I.P.M. & D.G.P.
After the now usual photo shoot we repaired to the bar for liquid refreshment before being called into the dining room where we partook of a rather delicious three course dinner, Cunliffe Hall as Chorley Masonic Hall is known as good caterers. In his response to his toast The Grand Master thanked the brethren for their 'get well soon' messages during his recent indisposition. In his response to his toast The District Prefect said that as its the 29th April and the 'Alliedfest' was the day before meant three councils had been visited in less than 48 hours and we had probably heard enough from him. The response by the Worshipful Master just about wrapped things up and soon we were on our homeward journeys.       
Dep.D.G.P., W.M., I.P.M. & D.G.P.
Words and Pictures Courtesy of Ernie Gavan